In re McKinsey & Co., Inc. National Prescription Opiate Consultant Litigation


Section C: TPP Claims Methodology 1 - Transactional Claims Data Available
TPP Class Members that are able to access pharmacy and medical transactional claims data from 2009 - 2023 must utilize the methodology outlined in this Section C for purposes of completing this Claim Form.

For the TPP Class Member(s) on whose behalf you are submitting this Claim Form, please provide the following information or utilize the forms for both individual and Consolidated Claims provided by the Notice and Claims Administrator at

i. By state, on an aggregated basis for entities filing Consolidated Claims, identify: the total dollar amount paid or reimbursed by the TPP Class Member(s) for the TPP Methodology NDCs from June 1, 2009, through October 31, 2023.

ii. By state, on an aggregated basis for entities filing Consolidated Claims, identify the number of member-years with an opioid use disorder (OUD) diagnosis based on the TPP Methodology ICD Codes from June 1, 2009, through October 31, 2023. Member-years with OUD diagnosis is the sum of the number of unique individuals with an OUD diagnosis within each year, totaled for the fifteen years of the damage period. (For example, if you had 10 people per year with OUD in each year for 5 years, that would equal 50 member-years with OUD diagnosis.)

iii. By state, on an aggregated basis for entities filing Consolidated Claims, identify the number of Covered Lives* as of January 1, 2023.

iv. The TPP Claim amounts for TPP Class Members that provide the information identified above in this Section C will be calculated as follows:

a. The estimated medical cost of OUD ($19,118) will be multiplied by the number of member-years with OUD identified in Section C.ii.; and

b. The dollar value provided in Section C.i. will be combined with the dollar value derived in Section C.iv.a.

*“Covered Lives” means the number of enrollees or beneficiaries covered by the TPP.

What should I do if I have transactional data available for some years but not others?

You must follow Methodology 1 outlined in Section C to complete the Claim Form for all the years for which you have transactional data available. You may use Methodology 2 outlined in Section D to complete the Claim Form for any remaining years for which you do not have transactional data available.

Please note, if you use Methodology 2 to submit a Claim Form for years that you have or could obtain data for, your entire claim may be rejected.

You may also upload a spreadsheet with this informatino in Section E.

Must click Add to save your information.

State Total Dollar Amount Paid Member-Years with OUD Diagnosis Covered Lives as of January 1, 2023 Action

Section D: TPP Claims Methodology 2 - Transactional Claims Data Unavailable
A TPP Class Member that is unable to access pharmacy and medical transactional claims data from 2009 – 2023, as necessary to complete Section C above, should utilize the methodology outlined in this Section D for purposes of completing this Claim Form. TPP Class Members electing to utilize TPP Methodology 2 must attest below that they do not have access to the necessary transactional claims data for completing TPP Methodology 1.

For each TPP Class Member on whose behalf you are submitting this Claim Form, and on an aggregated basis for entities filing Consolidated Claims, list the number of Covered Lives* for each year in the applicable group of states. Spreadsheet templates of this chart are also available on the Settlement website for both individual and Consolidated Claims,

The Notice and Claims Administrator may request documents or other information from you to support your response below regarding your membership.

“**Covered Lives” “Covered Lives” means the number of enrollees or beneficiaries covered by the TPP.

If you are unable to break down the number of covered lives by state, please complete the chart below with the number of covered lives by year. You may receive less than you may have otherwise been eligible for in accordance with the Settlement Agreement.

For TPP Class Members electing to utilize TPP Methodology 2: After all Claims have been filed, the Notice and Claims Administrator will calculate an average dollar value per covered life, based on all TPP information accumulated from submissions pursuant to Section C. The Notice and Claims Administrator will apply this average dollar value to the information provided above in this Section D.

You may also upload a spreadsheet with this informatino in Section E.

Must click Add to save your information.

Group Or AllStates Year Number Of Covered Lives Action

Section E: Proof of Payment and Disputes Regarding Claim Amounts

Please provide as much of the information requested above as possible. Pharmacy transaction data supporting claims submitted pursuant to Section C above is mandatory for Section C.i. amounts of $300,000 or more, although the Notice and Claims Administrator may also require pharmacy transaction data for claims of less than $300,000, so keep related transaction data and any other claim documentation supporting your Claim (e.g., invoices) in case the Notice and Claims Administrator requests it later. If the Section C.i. amount is less than $300,000, you should still provide the pharmacy transaction data with your Claim submission if you can.

While not required to be submitted along with your initial Claim Form, please also retain all medical transaction data supporting your Section C.ii. amounts in case the Notice and Claims Administrator requests it later.

If, after an audit of your Claim, the Notice and Claims Administrator still has questions about your Claim and you have not provided sufficient substantiation of your Claim, the Notice and Claims Administrator may reject your Claim.

If the Notice and Claims Administrator rejects or reduces your Claim and you believe the rejection or reduction is in error, you may contact the Notice and Claims Administrator to request further review. If the dispute concerning your Claim cannot be resolved by the Notice and Claims Administrator and Settlement Class Counsel, you may request that the Court review your Claim.

Please use the browse option, by clicking on “Select Files” in the box below to upload your supporting documentation.

Files To Be Uploaded Size Action

Section F: Certification

I/We have read and am/are familiar with the contents of the Instructions accompanying this Claim Form. I/We certify that the information I/we have set forth in the above Claim Form and in any documents attached by me/us are true, correct, and complete to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We certify that I/we, or the TPP Class Member(s) I/we represent:

a. During the period June 1, 2009, to October 31, 2023, (i) paid and/or reimbursed for any or all of the opioid prescription drugs identified in the TPP Methodology NDCs (which were manufactured, marketed, sold, or distributed by the Opioid Marketing Enterprise Members (Purdue, Johnson & Johnson, Janssen, Cephalon, Endo, and Mallinckrodt)), for purposes other than resale, and/or (ii) paid or incurred costs for treatment related to the misuse, addiction, and/or overdose of opioid drugs, identified in the TPP Methodology ICD Codes, on behalf of individual beneficiaries, insureds, and/or members; and

b. is not one of the following excluded parties: (1) all federal and state governmental entities, except for (a) private contractors of Federal Health Employee Benefits plans, (b) managed Medicaid plans, (c) plans operating under Medicare Part C and/or D, and (d) Taft Hartley plans; (2) all tribal entities; (3) local governmental entities and school districts, except for plans for self-insured local governmental entities that have not settled claims in MDL No. 2804; (4) Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs); (5) consumers; and (6) fully-insured plans.

I/We further certify I/we have provided all of the information requested above to the extent I/we have it.

I/We further certify that to the extent I/we are submitting this Claim Form pursuant to Section D, TPP Claims Methodology 2, above, I/we do not reasonably have access to the transactional claims data necessary to complete and submit this Claim Form pursuant to Section C, TPP Methodology 1.

To the extent I/we have been given authority to submit this Claim Form by one or more TPP Class Members on their behalf, and accordingly am/are submitting this Claim Form in the capacity of an authorized agent with authority to submit it, and to the extent I/we have been authorized to receive on behalf of the TPP Class Member(s) any and all amounts that may be allocated to them from the Settlement Fund, I/we certify that such authority has been properly vested in me/us and that I/we will fulfill all duties I/we may owe the TPP Class Member(s). If amounts from the Net Settlement Fund are distributed to me/us and a TPP Class Member later claims that I/we did not have the authority to claim and/or receive such amounts on its behalf, I/we and/or my/our employer will hold the Class, Settlement Class Counsel, and the Notice and Claims Administrator harmless with respect to any claims made by the TPP Class Member.

I/We hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California for all purposes connected with this Claim Form, including resolution of disputes relating to this Claim Form. I/We acknowledge that any false information or representations contained herein may subject me/us to sanctions, including the possibility of criminal prosecution. I/We agree to supplement this Claim Form by furnishing documentary backup for the information provided herein, upon request of the Notice and Claims Administrator.

I certify that the above information supplied by the undersigned is true and correct to the best of my knowledge


Reminder Checklist:

1. Please complete and sign the above Claim Form. Attach or upload any documentation supporting your Claim.

2. Keep a copy of the confirmation page for your records.

3. If you would also like acknowledgement of receipt of your Claim Form, please complete the form online.

4. If you move and/or your name changes, please send your new address and/or your new name or contact information to the Settlement Administrator at